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Kami is personal trainer turned health enthusiast that challenges what the word "healthy" really means. Owner of Up Level Living, she is a certified health, wellness, transitional coach and master of habit change. 

Like so many things in life, there was no straight line that brought me to where I am today, rather, my life has been full of moments that, as random as they seemed at the time, have lead me to this place.  

I lost my father to a massive heart attack when I was a senior in high school. Experiencing the loss of someone I held so dear proved to be pivotal in determining how my future would unfold. I was born with the desire to help people and at the time of my father’s passing, I believed this meant a career in Psychology, but after a few years in school and knowing that I was still looking at the minimum of 7 more years of schooling ... that was the last thing I wanted to do. At that point in my life, when I was looking into my future I couldn't see anything because I was still so lost from his passing.  

I left school and started my life.  I became a wife, a mother to two amazing babies and life happened!  It was an amazing time; I loved being a mom and wife.  I was fortunate to be able to stay home with our children, but being a stay-at-home mom came with its own set of expectations in my eyes. If I was going to be home gosh darn it, I was going to be the best wife and mother there ever was.  After all, I had to justify to the world my worth. We went on living life.  I was on a roller coaster of being crazy thankful to my husband for working so hard that I could be with our children and raise them and feeling not worthy because I was no longer contributing to our finances.  I was thankful every day that I didn't miss one moment with our children and yet felt empty.  As our kids grew and their needs for me changed, I found every way I could to volunteer and reach for something ... I just wasn't sure what it was. 

 I reconnected to my love for exercise and became a personal trainer.  I felt like this was it – I had found my calling - I can finally help people! After all, I would look around me and see many people I loved affected by diabetes, heart disease, obesity, osteoporosis, weakness of aging etc. I became obsessed with nutrition and fitness.  I used the pain of losing my father as a catalyst to find a way to never have to feel the pain and loss again and to help others never have to experience it as well. If I could guide people on a path of health, I could single handedly stop the pain. Through my own personal journey I have realized that I had to let that notion go, but have continued my passion to give health.

 As all of this self-discovery was unfolding, I had some health concerns of my own.  I had to really zero in on myself.  I did that and more.  I worked harder than I have worked on anything because my life depended on it.  I thankfully came on the other side of it stronger and even more driven to do what I could to help others on their own path of health. I am not only qualified to do so because of my education, I am especially qualified because I have done the work.  I have done everything I ask of my clients.  You can ask "how does this story relate to my health?" "Isn't health just knowing what to eat or not eat and exercise?"  The answer is NO!!  Your HEALTH encompasses all aspects of your life.  How you do one thing is how you do everything.  When something is out of whack in one area of life, chances are there's something out of whack in another area. 


There are four main areas of our lives that mirror whether or not we are in alignment with the best version of ourselves: Health, Love/Relationship, Career/Calling, and Connection to Something Greater.  If we can affect positive habit change, then alignment for your overall health will follow. Being able to dive into my own layers and align all areas of my life has brought me such a sense of fulfillment. I am living out my calling and I think my dad would be proud.

Meet Kami Wait

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