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Grace is Kindness, Compassion, and Caring

We can probably all agree on this statement...what I want to challenge you on is, what the first thoughts you had as you read this were.

My guess is that they were something like...."I should/could have shown more in this or that situation".... "Wow, I am not a good person, I really have been too wrapped up in my world to probably show any of these things"..... "How can I TODAY add showing Grace to my experience" ....Maybe you thought of someone in need.

My challenge is, where were YOU on the list of people or things you thought you could show more Grace to??? Why are you not on your list?? Today, show Grace, not only to someone else but show yourself. Maybe it's the load of laundry that didn't get folded, maybe it's that you were running late, maybe you were short tempered with someone.

Whatever it is for you, please put it in the comments.

Mine will be there too! Let's have a real conversation!

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