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Pole of Beliefs

What do you believe about yourself? Where did those beliefs come from? Would you be better off if you got rid of some of those old beliefs?

We tell ourselves all kinds of "truths" about who we think we are, what our limitations are, why we do the things we do. Are those "truths" really the truth? Are they holding us back? Are we trapped by them?

I call this your Pole of Beliefs. We can choose and want a new habit. Doing so, will stretch us away from one of our old beliefs, we then freak out wanting to feel "safe" again.

Your Limbic System will pump you full of anxiety and BOOM back to "safe" beliefs and old habits. We then add that experience to a mental check list of our failures and/or justification to stay with an old belief or habit pattern. Let's break that cycle!

Give me a call. We can stop this pattern!

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